In this project, my goal was to research and determine what features would be most valuable to Airbnb users and design it.
Design and conceptualize a new feature for Airbnb that helps users build their trips and find attractions after they reserve a place.
A reimagined features that help the user build and prepare his trip based on his preferences and his trip type using airbnb experience
In this project, my goal was to research and determine what features would be most valuable to AirBNB users and design it.
Since I used Airbnb myself, I was able to learn what value the service could add to users beyond reserving a place to stay.
Then, I conducted a value proposition design to decide which feature to add to the product.
The research helped me understand the pains, gains, and tasks users need to accomplish when they want to explore a new city.
During this project, I tried a different approach that would help me identify which features to create.
I did an online workshop with four users based on method I’ve read on this book
1. Identify the gains, pains and jobs of the users when they are traveling to a new city in the world
3. We chose three pains and three gains, and tried to found a solution by "how might we" questions
In the next steps, i challenge myself by the crazy 8 task.
Generate eight ideas in only eight minutes
Only 8 minutes were spent drawing some of the solutions we provided.
Our goal was to provide a visual solution by taking one minute for each of the eight tiles on a page.I get ideas for the screens and a visual representation of the feature with this mission.
Then I created a journey map that outlines the steps a user needs to take until he finds the activities he wants to do
After this research I found that the pain of the user who travelling to a new city is to find non-touristic attraction through “local eyes” and prepare his path. Tourists in a new city also want to meet locals and get a sense of the local culture.
In addition, people who rent out AirBnb are interested in showing their city and meeting people from different cultures.
This feature helps the users find attraction in their preferences and build the trip.
I organized and prioritized all the features I want to include in the app before creating the wireframe